I have a birthday coming up. Today when I opened my lab I see a birthday package waiting for me. I know it's from A. That A, my running buddy, encourager. She's given me (among other goodies) a book of photographs called Super Women: 100 women 100 sports. Who gets the #1 slot in this book? Robyn Benincasa, Adventure Racer Extraordinaire and Endurance Goddess. I am having a great time looking thru this book and can appreciate that A gives me gifts that have some meaning behind them, like inspiration to be more, do more, have more. I will never be a competitive athlete but that doesn't mean I can't train to be better or train just to have fun. I know, many people think of coming out of a day bloody, muddy, sweaty and possibly covered in scratches is not a good day. Sometimes it's the best day.
You're always my SuperWoman!
And you are my rock goddess. Ride on.
Yup, training like an athlete is fun :))
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