Thursday, October 16, 2008

Wed Workout

After work, after a little bus driving practice, after making dinner, after taking the little one to Barnes and Noble because she can't live without at least one book in que (not complaining), I found the time to workout at about 8:30 p.m. with the debates running in the background.

12 minutes on the bike trainer to warm up
scorpion pushups x 20
Dumbbell fly on body ball with ab crunch 8lb x 10
bodyweight squats x 50 fast
jump squat to failure

plank 10wec
close grip pushup x 5
side plank with thigh raise x 10 ea side
close grip pushup x 5
side plank....repeat
burpys x 10
butt kicks for as long as Obama's answer lasted-and we know how long winded he can be

frog pushups x 20
squat thrust x 20
W shoulder press with leg extension 8lb x 10 ea leg
jump rope 1 min

military shoulder press 12lb x 10
knee tuck jumps x 10
bench dip x 20
reverse crunch x 25
bicycle crunch x 50

and I still slept without a problem and even fell asleep riding the bus home tonight. Work has been a little more demanding the last couple of days so I guess I'm just worn out.

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