Of all the gifts in the stockings, or perhaps even under the tree, the boxing Santa pens were a much bigger hit than we expected. The picture does no justice. The Santas not only had boxing arms like Rock Em Sock Em Robots, the eyes lit up red when the arms moved so it was kind of like Possessed Boxing Santa. Not exactly the Christmas Spirit we hoped for, but we take what we can get around here.

Yes, I did do a little dance with my tutu and tiara on.

I had to kick them all off my Wii Fit balance board. Luckily the kids were playing the games as my Mii so now I hold the high score in about every single game!
I had to wait until Christmas Day to use my new EA sports Wii game that I got.
And there was good food. Lots of good, not traditional Christmas dinner, food.
MMMMM pork loin with cranberry chutney and garlic rosemary potatoes with brussels sprouts a la bacon and pine nuts. Dessert was a chocolate pecan pie made by the oldest kid and my molasses cookies that had to leave our house because we could not resist eating them one after another.
Merry Christmas Ya'll!!
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