Monday, November 17, 2008

No Weekend Warrior

I need to make a committment to hit one LONG workout each weekend. I am missing my weekend warrior partner with J being banned from doing much besides walking for at least another week or 2. Or longer for some things.
So I worked around the house some. Raked and bagged a ton of leaves, cleaned the deck and moved the furniture to accomodate the firebowl. Committed to painting the hall bath from the cabinet up, it's going to be a chore because there is black paint to be covered. Didn't get far with that. I feel sluggish. I think I know why. Too much food, too little workout.
Sample- Vino's pizza and beer on Saturday. Oh my. Always, ALWAYS a mistake. I have no self control.
I am GOING to get a good workout in today. I'm going to go for a Jillian buttbuster and try to leave enough time to end with extra cardio. I wrote it, therefore I must do it. Right?

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