Thursday, June 11, 2009

Busy Bee

I know I've been busy but seriously...I think this is the longest lapse in posting.

Fitness? What fitness? I know I've had a few multihour excursions since mid-May and no pictures because well, I don't stop long enough to take any. I was hoping someone else would post pictures from the Ozark Extreme Adventure Race that we did last weekend at Village Creek State Park but so far I got nada.
We had a good time. Well, I had a good time. Joe has not been feeling well and it really showed on this race. I tried not to push too hard. I didn't FORCE him to run. I couldn't very well not wait for him on the bike, there's RULES about that. I think he's broken. Luckily he's going to the Dr. today. I hope he's better soon, we have racing to do.
I mentioned to a friend who lives in Marianna that I might want to do the MidSouth Marathon in November. She volunteered to drive around to different points on the course to throw water on me. Apparently that's what people do to runners in Wynne. :) I have good friends.
I absolutely have to get out of this office. I'm going for a quick run. Right now.

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