Spent a lovely weekend in Memphis and have not a single picture to show for it. That we took. So I am pilfering from the interwebz. Soon after the flight arrived bringing our smallest one home from a trip to see Grandparents, we headed straight for Blues City Cafe on Beale Street. For some reason our children all think that Memphis means Ribs at Blues City and bowling at Jillian's. Jillian's at the Peabody Place is now a 21 and over sports bar so that was out. Disappointing. But ribs and tamales at Blues City was ON.

We also took the tour of the Gibson Guitar Factory next door. I think it would have been better if it hadn't been a Sunday because there were no worker bees. It was still interesting to hear the hows and whys of the place even if we didn't get to see much actual assembly.

In between the museum and the factory, we got hungry and wandered to find a place we haven't tried before. We found Automatic Slim's Tonga Club on Second and Union close to the Peabody. We sat outside on this patio even though the inside looked beautiful...it was too nice a day after all the rain in the a.m. They were serving brunch so I had crawfish eggs benedict and it was the BOMB. J was craving salmon and they had a salmon hash that was also tasty. I thought the small one was going to cry when she found out she couldn't order off the "regular" menu but when her soup and sandwich came... she was all smiles. The chowder was most excellent and she tried to name ingredients for me suggesting I should attempt it at home. :) right.
This isn't what we ate but isn't it lovely? I think this place deserves a return trip next time we're near Memphis.

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