Friday, December 11, 2009

Friday Fitness Follies

I have no reason to title today's post as such, I just appreciate alliteration.

Sunday- I can't even remember but it seems we did a whole lot of hanging the house, putting up a christmas tree and lights (the poor tree STILL doesn't have ornaments) and some shopping.

Monday- back to reality
A good warm up with core work and mountain climbers
20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest (read that MOVE your lazy butt to where you need to go next)
8 intervals of each = 4 minutes total time at each station:
box jumbs 12"
full sit ups
plate push 25lb
push ups

I felt the need to punish myself with a 9th round of box jumps, sit ups and plate pushes at 4 intervals/ 2 min
Didn't think I could do more pushups but squeezed out 2 sets of 5 before collapsing :)

Tuesday - Nada. SO busy at work and home. Late night from visiting Central High School thinking we might send the small one there next year.

Wednesday- Sprints. OMG I HATE sprints. Mostly because I have no speed and I suck at them.
15 sec x 10 @ 10mph,  15 sec x 5 @ 11 mph
Then we had a "competition". Whoever came off the treadmill first had to do 5 burpees. We had 3 women today, I lost all but 1 sprint- and I'd RATHER do burpees than run!! Hear me!

Thursday-missed my morning class but hit 15 minutes on the treadmill walking hills and 25 minutes of step aerobics at work before I had to bail out for carpool. Add in about an hour of Wii Fit- we tried the Biggest Loser game tonight. I think the decision was the family likes the hula hoop game on Wii Fit Plus more than anything else.  I should post video. Joe Daddy has the high score in super hula hoop right now.

Friday Friday- core work to warm up and a little treadmill warm up
3 circuits of:
20% incline sprints at 7mph x 15 sec
plyo jumps @ 100lb x 15
box jump 18" x 15
single leg box jump 6" x 15
plate push 25lb x 15 yd
tractor tire flip x 15
no rest between sets!

I know I need an endurance workout this weekend but it's so cold. I just don't know. Does marathon house cleaning count?

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