Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Freezing Fun of February

I know, it wasn't so long ago that I would have had no issue at all with jogging in a 27 degree pre-dawn. Lately I think I'm wimping out on it? I haven't done a distance road run in months. I've never really enjoyed road running as much as other things so if I can substitute something else I will. I should find a way to rediscover some joy in it.

Monday- Overslept after a fun Sunday workout at Pinnacle (2.5 hours on the icy trail!)

Tuesday- 15 sec work : 15 sec rest intervals x 8 (4 minutes each)
resisted run out (bungeed to a sled with 100lb dumbell on it, grab a med ball overhead, run out and put it back)
weighted step ups (45lb bar on shoulders or at chest, step up and down on 24inch step)
wall ball w/ 15lb ball
lying med ball toss (alternate with plank or pushup, no rest)
sprints x 10 mph
I repeated the wall balls and ball toss/ push ups cause I had a few minutes to kill but didn't think I could do any more legs

Wednesday- warm up with Abs.  Workout time limit 20 minutes, as many rounds as possible
10 push ups
max out lat pulldowns 80lb OR pullups ( I did mostly lat pulls, a few pull ups)
15 squats
Finished 13 2/3 rounds!

Thursday- Step Mill 25 minutes followed by 4 x 45sec run @ 8 mph

Friday- The "Angie" workout
100 push ups
100 sit ups
100 squats
100 pull ups or lat pulldowns-  did 40 assisted pullups with band, 60 lat pulldowns 70lb
did 5 x 30 jumping jacks in between lat pulldowns sets to keep heart rate up

Saturday- I had a little too much fun out with friends on Friday. Managed 35 minutes of Wii "hard" workout with resistance band

Sunday- Started on building a new mountain bike trail in the woods. yee haw. 3.5 hours of raking, walking and a little jogging.

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