Sunday night we pulled the mountain bikes off the garage wall. Mine asked for i.d., it had been so long since I'd seen her. We went our usual route around the River Trail, about 17 miles but a bit slower if a bit more heart pounding since we were fat tiring it. On the way back to the car near the Isabella Jo Road, was a big skunk. Luckily J was smarter than I and actually managed to stop clear of it since it got pissed and had it's tail up and ready! It took several minutes, some yelling and several rocks trying to get it to go. Finally the sound of my cleats banging on asphalt made it go away. Yikes.
This morning I got up and set out the trainer so I could catch up on my TV shows while I got my sweat on. Did a bit of riding, a bit of light lifting, and a bit more riding for a total of about an hour. Now I'm sitting at DeGray Lake State Park Resort while tagging along with J for one of his work dealios. Looking forward to the hot tub later.
MOTHER! That is a freakin AWESOME snake! Can I have one?
yes, go catch one
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