Sunday, March 9, 2008

cardio, more cardio and fat pants

okay so time has been crunched so here goes the last couple of days-

Thursday: I had a fanfreakintastic treadmill workout. Anyone who knows me well will see the humor in that statement. I hate the mill. But I'm finding that if I am constantly in flux by speeding up, slowing down, ramping the incline, etc- it's not that bad. 50 minutes, 35 of it above a 4% incline, much of it running, some of it walking but at an 8-10% incline, it was a kicker.

Friday:Snow Day! It snowed 2X in one week. That's bizarre. This one stuck a bit harder than Tuesdays snow and we went out to build a snowman. In the evening I cycled for 35 minutes and did some upper body and core resistance work.

Saturday was another indoor cycling day much the same as Friday's workout.

Right this minute I'm supposed to be in the shower so we can leave for the NW part of the State. The partner in crime is going to a 3 day meeting and I'm going with. I hear there is a super fitness center in the fanshy smanshy hotel. Yeah!

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