Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Jealousy, Envy, What's the right word?

A very sweet woman whom J and I have "talked" with on various message boards over the last few years sent me a link to yet another of her fantastic adventure pictures. Hope she won't mind me publishing them outside my comments section. These pics along with a trip itinerary came with a challenge to "hate me just a little". Yes I think I will, thank you very much. Well maybe not hate, maybe more a tall glass of envy spiked with a twinge of jealousy and a twist of admiration. Since it took me until my mid 30's to actually see real mountains, I have a deep appreciation for the soaring feeling they provide- aren't they lovely? Thanks Mary, for letting me soar vicariously.

1 comment:

Marykaa said...

*smile* bah.. by the time you get to my age, you'll have seen and done enough to forgive me ;) thanks for passing the pics around :)