Wednesday, April 9, 2008

How Much Pizza Can One Woman Eat?

I'm missing 5 days of posting, I'm not sure I even remember what I did on Friday. I know I walked for a few minutes and did some upper body work along with some traveling lunges .

Saturday: Went to Star City for the dedication of the brand spankin' new multi use trail at Cane Creek State Park. Back in the fall, me-Joe-Sarah-Aaron did a photo/video shoot there and had a great time but only got to see about 3 miles of the 15.5 miles of trail. There was a "race" of 2man teams involving some of the boy scouts that helped build the trail. We started out about a half hour or so behind them. Saw many that only got a few miles in before giving up. Hit the lead group about 10 miles in and got back about a half hour before the first finishers. I wasn't paying great attention to the time but I think it took us around 3 hours. That's a crappy time for only 15 miles but we stopped a lot. There are 40 someodd bridges, 3 suspension bridges, several lakeside vistas to check out AND we had to stop to talk to volunteers and other riders. I hope it didn't give them such misery that they all decide mountain biking is a crock. It was a fairly miserable ride as far as the conditions went. It's been raining here. A lot. Much of the trail was either muddy or under water. Not really appropriate for riding, we wouldn't consider it but the dedication ride has already been put off once for weather so .... It's going to be a heckuva trail when it's dry and gets a bit of use to pack it down. Much of it is very beginner friendly but they left in some steep climbs. None of them long, just steep. They were my downfall. I just could not keep traction in the mud. All in all, I can't wait to ride in better weather.
Sunday and Monday I spent a ton of time out in the garden. By Tuesday I was sore. But it was biggest loser night so I cycled on the trainer for 30 minutes, had a good ride, even got into the big ring for a while. Then I did some upper body work with light weights and a resistance band. If anyone else is watching that show, I think Ali is my hero. MY goodness she is a competitor. I like that. She looks fantastic. I can't believe that even at 146 lbs she was able to work hard enough to lose another 11 lbs. I keep using the "it's those last few pounds that are so hard" excuse. She blows that for me. I'm betting she didn't scarf down a chili cheese dog, onion rings, dark beer or the 5 slices of pizza I had between Saturday afternoon and Monday night. Dang it. It's the diet, stupid!!

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