Thursday, September 4, 2008

Regurgitate Regurgitation

Yesterday I repeated the OMG I'm going to Puke workout. Warm up was 5 minutes of walk-jog-run and cool down was a 7minute run that should have been longer but I had to get back to work. Man this one is a toughie for me.

I'm seriously freaking out about the upcoming Sprint Triathlon. Because the indoor pool at the gym we've been using closes for maintenance every year after labor day- I have no place to swim. They usually just switch to the outdoor pool but it's closed due to the constant rain. I needed every minute I could get in the pool. Please oh please let it stop raining soon. I feel like a fool for not swimming more in the lake after the "failure" to complete the planned test swim. Deep breath. Okay- I may have to be rescued out of the pool but I'll look like I know what I'm doing since I found a Zoot Triathlon suit on clearance at Sierra Trading 60% off! Cheaper than a new pair of tri-cycling shorts.

1 comment:

CJ MJ said...

I always say, if you can't be first, at least you can look good failing. So, you have that in your favor.