Thursday, May 29, 2008

Things to do in LR when you're 40

So today is the day. The dread. The minor crestfall that is, oh god no, another birthday. I think perhaps it is lucky that this week is so crazy busy that it's been mostly forgotten so far. Of course the day isn't over yet. With inlaws in town, a kid graduating high school and a BIG trip with me freaking out about what I'm supposed to be learning and doing at this giant conference all in progress, birthdays are well, unimportant. I don't feel 40. Wanna feel? BAM.
For 2 days I've had a constant feeling that I'm forgetting something. Somethings. And I can't concentrate to read all the material that I should be before this meeting. I want The Man and the small one to have a good time but there are things I should be doing at the conference instead of having fun with them. Time Management.

Todays workout:
40 minute run. Moderate speed. Lots of rolling hills. The bus was later getting to the lot so I jogged around the parking lot while waiting for it.


Sarah said...

I was wondering if you were going to post on this. Happy Birthday!!!

Aaron said...

You know, they make big girl panties for tough cool chicks that are 40 too. Put 'em on and EMBRACE it baby! Don't you know that 40 is the new 30? And, since 30 is the new 20, you won't even legally be able to drink at your own party. Happy birthday Lisa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

Joe said...

No way is she 40. She just says that to get presents. Look at her. Not a minute over 29! What's she doing married to that dirty old man anyway?

Lisa said...

I love my friends. And my dirty old man.
I have my big girl panties on today!

Marykaa said...

Happy birthday LISA ! I'm on a crusaed to say that my age is my age and that is what my age looks and acts like. It's the conceptions that are wrong. and others my age that are out of shape and narrow minded. I wouldn't want to be 10 years younger.. wouldn't want to pretend that I have 10 years less joys and experience. be proud of your age. We still have a LONG life ahead of us.. and we won't be staying young anyways, might aw well start giving a better reputation to aging. and there is nothing wrong with that. 40 rocks, and so does 50, 60 and 70 :) as long as we act and feel as it does. (-: